
Uncategorized Why do small homes cost more per square foot than large? Why do small homes cost more per square foot than large? Ah, The age-old mystery of real estate! There are a couple of key reasons for this interesting phenomenon: **Demand and Supply**: Smaller homes are often in higher demand because they’re more affordable to a larger portion of the population. The higher demand can drive […]
Uncategorized HOME MADE WEED KILLER A Natural Alternative: Homemade Weed Killer Recipe Considering the risks associated with glyphosate, people can turn to safer alternatives. One such solution combines vinegar, salt, and soap to create an effective weed killer. Mix one gallon of white vinegar with one cup of salt and one tablespoon of dish soap. Pesticide sprayers are available at […]
Uncategorized Pesky Ants? Here are some reliable, natural Home Remedies CINNAMON: ants don’t like the smell and they’ll avoid crossing it. I put this under my cats (raised ) bowls and it works well. VINEGAR: mix with water (1/2 vinegar, 1/2 water) This is very useful to repel ants on counters BAY LEAVES: works well to repel ants and cockroaches. Leave in drawers, cabinets, and […]
Uncategorized Flooding: How to protect your home! Protect your home from flood damage Clear debris from gutters, downspouts, and drains: ensure proper flow of water. Grade land so that it slopes away from the foundation. Install French Drains: these are trenches filled with gravel or rock that redirect water away from your home’s foundation. Collect water in Rain Barrels: reduce the volume […]
Uncategorized HOW TO KEEP RODENTS AT BAY #rodentcontrol#homemaintenance#pestcontrol#floridagardening#humanewaystocontrolrats#poisonalternativespestcontrol HUMANE WAYS TO CONTROL RODENTS     Do you have fruit trees? Even if you don’t, here are some humane ways of controlling rodents. Remove clutter and hiding spots: rodents can use wood piles and debris for shelter: clear debris and fallen fruit. Trim branches away from structures to remove ways for rodents to get […]
Uncategorized Summer Maintenance Recommendations Depending on your region of the country, and the heat you’re experiencing,  take care to perform outdoor summertime  activities while staying hydrated, and for  short intervals-while taking breaks to cool down. Recommended Tasks: Maintain the HVAC system; clean out the condenser if it has leaves or other debris in it, clean the coils, flush the […]
Uncategorized Is NOW a Good Time to Buy ? #Realestateflorida#Clearwaterflorida#BuypropertyinFlorida#FloridaRealEstate#FloridaRealEstateInsights#FloridaPropertyInvestment#FloridaRealEstateAdvice ‘We’ve been looking for a beach home each year we’ve visited. Now it’s out of reach.’ (Potential client, 03/22). If you can buy into our market now, do so: have no regrets! People are moving to Florida more than any other state, in record numbers. We have a strong local economy, no state income tax, […]
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